To that point, I just wanted to do a quick plug for since we are at the beginning of 2012. Instead of picking a resolution (or possibly in addition to your already chosen resolution), chose one word. I LOVE this concept! And it did help me through my goal last year. Granted, I'm still not at my goal, but I'm definitely on the path!
From their website:
"This process provides clarity by taking all of your big plans for life change and narrowing them down into a single thing. One word focuses on your character and creates a vision for your future."
I'm still in the process of picking my one word for 2012, but I promise I will pick my word by the end of the month (but hopefully sooner) and will share it here on my blog. Maybe I will even do it in the form of a crafty project like I did last year! See my banner HERE. The banner really helped me focus on my one word, TRUST in 2011.
Lastly, let me know your one word if you pick one!! The website can be a good resource to guide you in picking your word.
God's blessings to you all this year!
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Leaving comments for me makes me happy! Thanks for sharing some bloggy love! :) ~Jen